Saturday, September 8, 2007

A Mystic in our midst

A new book on Mother Teresa of Calcutta (Kolkata) is just out. Who would have thought that a person of faith like Mother Teresa would experience such spiritual vacuum or absence of God from her day-to-day life? She seemed to have gone through a long part of life feeling distanced by God. And yet the experience is not uncommon among people who seek union with God. St. John of the Cross described such feeling as “dark night of the soul.” St. Francis of Assisi went through periods of such spiritual turmoil. This feeling of being far from God usually comes later in the spiritual journey of an individual. I can not say why it is so.
I can offer a crude analogy to this experience. The earth is integral part of our existence. From the passing time of the day and changing season, we know it is moving ceaselessly. And yet, none notices its movement. Likewise, when one achieves higher degree of union with God one feels less and less of Him. An inverse correlational effect, so to speak. Possible? I am neither a mystic myself nor an expert in mysticism. These are only random thoughts of mine. However, for those who would like to read the articles written about this aspect of Mother Teresa’s faith based on the new book, links are provided.

For Mother Teresa, a Profound Darkness
The Washington post

Mother Teresa's Crisis of Faith,8599,1655415-1,00.html

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