Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Between the departure and arrival,
From one home of disfigured fortune to another,
You have barely lived your shortened biography.

On the water were your footprints
And some unreadable names written in your blood.
In that geography of brilliant sunshine and endless searching
We discovered the excavated landscape of your fragile anatomy.

Ah, Angel!
With your innocence, you faced the monster.
With death, you paid the price!
And in return, we admit in shame,
We could not give you
The justice you so deserve.
We failed you!

Oh, child of imaginary parents!
To be left so high and dry,
Is it to be your fate always?
Oh, those imaginary parents!
Are they real only in a hallucinated world?

Rise, Angel, rise from the belly of the beast.
Rise from your deep eternal slumber.
Rise with the rising sun and the freshness of morning.
Let the ripples of flowing water cry out.
Let the stones of river also cry out in protest
Till absence itself rises with the elemental mist
To unriddle the enigma you left us.

In your memory, I plant a drop of ink
In the center of this vast and blank page.
May it become a witness to the horror you saw
In the twilight hours of your frightened eyes.

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